Law and Justice:An analogous odyssey
LAW AND JUSTICE What is justice? Justice in a legal perspective has a myriad of definitions. From the Cambridge dictionary, justice can be defined as…
Getting closure without being cornered into Explanations
If you’re in a situation where you need clarity and closure, but you also want to protect yourself from being pushed into uncomfortable explanations. Here’s…
The Seven Wonders of the Modern World | Architectural Marvels
The wonders of the modern world represent the pinnacle of human ingenuity, engineering, and architectural achievements. Chosen through a global voting campaign, these iconic structures…
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World | Architectural Marvels
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World represent the most remarkable architectural and engineering achievements of the ancient civilizations. Although only one of these wonders,…
Meditation and Brain Waves | Explained in Detail
If you’ve recently had a spiritual awakening, there are high chances that you’ve come across the term meditation. But what is meditation and how do…
Who is a Woman?
Is a woman her hair? What of the women who have short hair? Well India Arie already said it is her song: I Am Not…
Who is a Man?
“Your eyes saw my unformed body…” (Psalms 139:16) A man is a man because he was ordained to be a man. He was always meant…
The Love Letter 2
I knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. You are not alone I know life has not treated you well but I…
How to Navigate Transitions
v Pray, a lot. It may seem cliché but it helps. Prayer is communicating with God or better still talking with God. Imagine you are…
Do you Enjoy your Own Company?
True companionship starts with enjoying your own company. Are you the kind of friend that you would like? How do you treat yourself? How do…
Needs vs. Wants.
True companionship is having the grace to realize that in life we get what we need and not always what we want. “Now we know…
Fight for It.
Our goals in life require us to surround ourselves with the right people. “May you never be the reason why someone who loved to sing,…
The Gift of Authenticity
Authenticity attracts the right people, relationships and partnerships. Sometimes we don’t get what we desire because we hide ourselves. We hide our true selves. Society…
The Divine kind of Love
True companionship starts with the divine, then trickles down to yourself and to others. Believe it or not, true friendship starts in the spiritual. In…
True Friendship is Attractive
True and genuine friendship is very pleasant to watch and even more to experience. I’m sure you’ve have come across people who are friends, and…
The Strength of a Friendship
A friendship is only as strong as the grace to handle it. Friendship is not for the weak, let alone true friendship. Genuine friendship requires…
Does your Friendship Have Aligned Values
Your companionship will last as long as your values align. We have seen many friendships drift apart and some even end and we’ve wondered why….
Be your Own Refuge First
There is always a refuge you can run to, to find strength and that is including yourself. This is more mental than physical. I want…
Raise Mentally Strong Kids: 5 Essential Questions to Ask Your Kids Daily
As a parent, the best way to create a proper emotional bond with your kids is by strengthening your communication. Have you ever tried to…
Eternity is Security
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2). What you focus on grows, and the mind has a way of magnifying…
Comparison is a Killjoy, Toss it Away
Have you ever been in a place in life where you were blooming, when at least some of the things you had hoped would happen…
Work in Progress
You are a work in progress, don’t be too hard on yourself, just keep getting better. The goal in life, is not necessarily to be…
Your Uniqueness is your Security
Why is it that us human beings we often want to change things about ourselves? Our true self. Our identity, what makes us. What constitutes…
How to Level Up in Love
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. (1st John 4:18) True love is not easy to find. In whichever form…
You are loved, you can rest in that.
You are loved Not because You did something In order To receive Love This Love Is not conditional It is unconditional It is beyond Beyond…
It Doesn’t Define you.
Ø Being snatched from destruction, pulled from the mirest of clays doesn’t mean that this is what defines us it means that this journey has…
Inner Healing is the Greatest Surety in the Whole Wide World.
“Hurt people hurt people.” (Anonymous). And it goes without saying that healed people also heal people. When you have healed or are on a journey…
What are you Anchoring Yourself on?
Security comes from what we believe in, trust for, hope for within ourselves that cannot be shaken. “Those who stand for nothing fall for everything.”…
Let go, so that You may Receive.
Trust is letting go not because what we hold onto has not been a part of us, but knowing that what we exchange it for…
Magnify the Voice that Likes You-Remedy to Self Loathe.
Courage is magnifying the voice that says, Yes You Can and minimizing the one that says, No You Can’t. Thoughts run through our minds in…
Courage is Freeing.
Courage is to see the other side of fear and embrace the freedom that it brings with it. You have to see, to have the…
Courage is to Confront the Fear.
Courage at times calls us to face what we fear. It calls us not to avoid what we fear, but to face it. Avoidance may…
Courage is Fear under Control.
Courage is to feel fear and still move. It is to move despite the fear you feel. It is to remember that fear is a…
Let the Hope within Arise to Drown the Fear.
Courage is to let the hope within arise enough to drown the fear. Whatever we feed grows. When we feed disappointment, it grows, when we…
Courage is the ability to feel fear and still manage to conquer what we need to.
Courage does not in any way mean the absence of fear. It is that you feel the fear and still do what you need to….
Let your Courage Inspire.
Courage is infectious, your courage will inspire others to also embrace the courage within them. I don’t know about you but when I see or…
Do it One Step at a Time.
Courage is within you; you just need to reach out for it and do not let go until it truly is a big part of…
Courage for the Low Seasons.
Courage is to know that there will be hurdles on the way but to press forward anyway, one day, one task, one step at a…
Visualize and do.
Courage is not just to see but it is also to work. Faith without works is dead: James 2:17. Vision is good; not only is…
Increase your Knowledge to Gain Power.
Courage is to do the work that no one else wants to do in order to see the fruit that you want to see. Francis…
Seek out Wisdom.
Courage is to realize that you are not always right, and to have the wisdom to seek wisdom from those who’ve treaded this path before….
Courage is to sometimes Surrender.
Courage is to surrender yourself to power; the highest of powers to light your path with the mightiest illumination. It’s not a word You hear…
Embrace the Rhythm of your Own Race.
Courage is to sometimes wait even when everyone else is moving just so you can embrace the rhythm of your own race. The temptation to…
Courage is to See Favour and Grace and to Run Towards it.
Just because you are not used to something looking a certain way, don’t run from it. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” (Anonymous). Many…
Courage is Shaping You into the Person You were Always Meant to be.
Sometimes as humans we are afraid that we will actually achieve what we would to achieve. This fear often steams from a place of insecurity….
Courage is built, into levels like a building block one event onto another.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day,” (John Heywood). This saying connotes that anything that is of value or that can last a long time, isn’t…
Let your light shine that is Courage.
It takes bravery to let your light shine instead of trying to dim it. And especially when everyone else has decided to dim their lights…
Feed your Spirit, in the Day of Adversary Let the Power Within Arise.
No one is ever constantly strong sometimes the battles of life can wear us down. In those moments, seasons and times what we deposited in…
Courage is Love, Courage is Power, Courage is Mental Strength.
To embrace courage is to love yourself. It is to count yourself worthy of fighting for; of going for the things, you desire; your dreams,…
Cast off the Fear of trying New Things.
v Courage is knowing that you are not alone, once you tread the uncharted waters there will always be a hand to hold you. One…
Let’s Talk Courage.
Courage starts in the mind. What you know and apply. For example, this statement: the situation may be dire but I will pull through. It…
Courage is Strength, Mental Strength.
This statement denotes that anything that is the opposite of courage results in weakness. Meaning, that fear, timidity, and cowardice results in weakness. I would…
The Solace Series-Know Thy True Self.
Peace doesn’t come from material things, people have lost millions and regained them but what keeps us sane is the routines that we do no…
The Solace Series-Don’t dwell in Worry.
Worry in itself produces nothing good. No matter how bad it seems or it is, keep your eye on the vision because this is just…
The Solace Series-Setting Boundaries and Asserting Yourself.
Check with yourself, because sometimes you have been told, that it is impossible so much or many times that you think even the mere act…
The Solace Series-Vision is a Guide find it.
An itching need produces vision that it doesn’t matter what happens along the way coz your guide will always be that vision. Is there a…
The Solace Series-Search for your Path in Life.
If you really want your path in life, you have to search for it. No one is going to come hand you on a silver…
The Solace Series-Enduring the Right Things.
Enduring the right things in the right direction produces joy. Life is not an easy feat, sometimes we have to endure things, situations, circumstances that…
The Solace Series-Life is a Gift
Du du Du du The heart is beating In and out The air is breathing With every Day Comes A Blessing A blessing In The…
The Solace Series-Stagnation can Sometimes be a Blessing in Disguise.
Stagnation can at times be a gift because it forces you to reflect with sincerity of heart where you were, where you are, and where…
The Solace Series-Reject Crippling Fear.
Change your mind to reject fear and embrace courage towards the good things you desire in life. Not all fear is bad in life. There…
The Solace Series-You are not Alone
Fear and discouragement tend to show up whenever you feel alone, but always know that you are not alone. Things look unachievable when we feel…
The Solace Series-Worth More…
You are worth more than the temporary things you pursue to bring you solace. It’s easier to reach for something to stop the pain, the…
The Solace Series-The Strength in You.
Many times, mistakes we’ve made, weaknesses that we have can make us feel like that’s all we are made of. Until we go through something…
The Solace Series-The Illusion of Easy Life.
Soft life has given people the impression that life is all easy. Yet just like a mirage when you come closer you realize that it…
The Solace Series-Acknowledging Where You Are in Order to Decisively Move.
It is so important to acknowledge where you are because acknowledging where you are is being self-aware. And being self-aware is such a necessary skill…
The Solace Series-One Step at a Time
Solace is found in knowing that God lights our paths. Once we take the step of courage, then we begin to see opportunities right where…
The Solace Series
~Solace is found in knowing that some of our lowest moments can truly lead us to discovering our true selves~ As humans we fear failure…
How do I know my Purpose?
Purpose is the reason for living. It is the answer to the question why. Why you are here on earth. Every single person, living thing,…
Do I… do I not? Expression vs. Suppression.
Let’s talk about expressing versus supressing when it comes to navigating life. When we talk about expressing, it doesn’t mean going to tell every other…
Self-mastery does not mean perfection. It means progression. Progression towards knowing and understanding yourself. In his book Mastery, Robert Greene illustrates that when you master…
Self-Stock Check
Have you ever sat down to ask yourself, what are my gifts and talents? Or do you just know them. It is not enough to…
Let’s Talk Self-Awareness
Being aware of yourself is very important in fact it is crucial. It is crucial because if you don’t take time to know yourself, you…
Feelings, Facts, Reality and Truth in Decision Making.
Feelings, and or emotions are good. They are our internal sensors. They give us information about what’s going on within us. Despite the fact that…
Let’s Talk Feelings
Feelings are good. Feelings and emotions are internal sensors. They are the soul’s sensors. Just the way the five senses: sense of touch, sense of…
Turning the Pages of Missed Chapters
How often do we say that we wish we would have taken an opportunity to do or say something and now have regrets? Missed opportunities…
📚 “America Through the Ages: A Comprehensive Digital History of the United States 🇺🇸✨”
📚 “America Through the Ages: A Comprehensive Digital History of the United States 🇺🇸✨” 1. Introduction: Unveiling the Digital History of the United States…
What Constitutes you as a Human Being?
Did you know that as a human being you are made up of three parts? Your body not only houses your body organs like the…
Why You Need Core Values
Core values are not just important they are crucial to have in life. They are very central to a person’s decision-making process and generally how…
Do a Self-Evaluation.
Every year end or quarterly, companies, organizations, usually do an evaluation. These evaluations usually help them gage if they are still aligned to their vision…
Wisdom in Words: A Curated Collection of Quotes for Inspiration and Reflection
In the vast tapestry of human experience, words have the power to transcend time and space, offering insights that resonate with the depths of…
The media plays a crucial role in shaping societies and influencing public opinion. In developing countries, the impact of media can be even more significant,…
How to Appreciate Small Beginnings while working towards Abundance.
It is important to know that life is not just a combination of seasons, it is seasons. Earth’s operating systems are set; the sun rises in the…
Enjoy the Moments
Life is quite interesting. Meeting with people from past interactions be it from a school setting; primary, high school, college or even from a previous…
Let them Fall-Off
Like hair Being shaved off From the head Let them fall off The things That suck The very life Out of you The things That…
The Necessity of Reflection
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” (Socrates). Human beings tend to examine everything else around them except their own lives. Something will easily be…
The Importance of a Plan
‘‘Without a vision people perish’’ Biblical Proverb. To some, spontaneity connotes fun and planning means boredom. Life is neither exclusively about spontaneity otherwise the world…
Begin Again
It is mid-December, which means that the end of the year is just around the corner. And if you are Kenyan or live in Kenya…
Self respect is investigating in your life as a woman
Before pursuing marriage, a healthy woman must respect her family and herself. Her first instinct is always to keep herself and her children safe….
Atychiphobia, commonly known as the fear of failure, is a psychological condition characterized by an intense and irrational dread of unsuccessful outcomes. Rooted in the…
A Call to Live Fully Because None of Us Are Getting Out Alive
In a world where the fear of the unknown, particularly death, often lingers in the background, it’s essential to consider a different perspective—one that encourages…
In the quest for a meaningful and fulfilling existence, Chief Tecumseh’s timeless wisdom serves as a guiding light, illuminating a path that transcends the conventional…
Have you ever felt like your partner thrives on chaos?
Given their potential to become victims of war, some people might never consent to peacemaking. Accepting accountability for one’s fair share of the fault…
In a world gripped by the age of entitlement, where the air is thick with the belief that the universe owes us something, it becomes…
Are you in your early 20’s? Relax
It’s a common mistake for many young people in the church to heed the advise to put off sex until after marriage alone. The date…
When the drift is inevitable
If you sense someone is drifting away from you, you could become frightened and try to salvage the situation by going to extreme lengths. This…
From ashes she will rise
Women who have experienced trauma have the capacity to rise to the position of greatest influence in the world; they are frequently called “damaged.” But…
Not sorry?
It can be difficult to deal with an unapologetic spouse since it can seem like you’re the only one making an effort and that they…