Enduring the right things in the right direction produces joy.
Life is not an easy feat, sometimes we have to endure things, situations, circumstances that we would prefer not to go through, in order to get what we desire. Soft life is an illusion even the people who have a lot of resources, material things, money etc, had to sacrifice something to get where they are and what they have. What you have to ask yourself is, for what you want to have in life are you ready to pay the price towards the right things? And sometimes the right way to get them is not easy; you may have to work extra hard, you may have to develop high levels of discipline, you may have start again.
The shortcut way or the ‘‘easy’’ way may come fast, but the same way it came is the same it will go and you have to be careful that it doesn’t take you with it. For shortcuts are you ready to do the things required; many of which are dark and even unfathomable?
‘‘Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.’’ (Proverbs 13:11). You want to develop as you grow and expand; to have character. Lack of character could easily bring you down.