Being aware of yourself is very important in fact it is crucial. It is crucial because if you don’t take time to know yourself, you give permission to other people and random people sometimes to tell you who you are. And people will volunteer to tell you who they think you are or who you should be. This is usually based own their experiences which maybe flawed. Therefore, you’ve got to beat them to it. Know yourself so that you can set the standards for your life and not having some random standards which society has set. Of which some of these societal standards could be coming from trauma; from unhealed wounds. When you set your own standards, and especially from a healed place they come with a purpose attached to it. For example, if a person has gone through certain trauma, once they are on a journey of healing setting boundaries should be inevitable. The standards or boundaries, protect the person from traumatic experiences. It could be that you block a person who talks down at you, who belittles you.
How does one become self-aware or start the journey of self-awareness? Self-awareness requires you to not be afraid of spending time with yourself. Self-awareness is a journey and requires that you spend time on your own. It is not a one-time thing. You could start by switching off the TV or phone basically any electronic device for five minutes to quietly listen to yourself breathe. Leaving the cares of the world for just five minutes. Detaching to be in touch with yourself. Journaling is also an amazing tool that will help you in your self-awareness journey. You can start with writing down the high and low moments of the day. And remember, self-awareness is a journey therefore, if you don’t take the time to know yourself, you give permission to other people to try and tell you who are by playing guessing games with your life.