Have you ever been in a place in life where you were blooming, when at least some of the things you had hoped would happen had happened. A place of bliss? Just pure bliss? And then a thought came to you, but yeah you might be in a good place, but not like so and so. Look at what they have. Will you ever get there? Then you start to meditate on that thought. You start to compare your life to someone else’s. Meanwhile, a few seconds before, you were in pure bliss. Just all happy and genuinely joyful right from your heart. That is what comparison does. It literally sucks the very life out of you. Comparison is literally a killjoy just toss it away.
How then do we avoid comparison or rather kill comparison before it kills our joy? Enjoy the present moment while working on your future. See the vision for your life. What you want your life to look like, what you desire to have in life. It is not just important but also crucial to have a vision in life, because vision gives you direction. When you don’t have a vision, you won’t restrain yourself on anything. Anything goes. But when you have a vision, you will know for example, I can’t spend this money yet I know I need to save it for my child’s school fees. The vision helps you restrain yourself from doing what you shouldn’t be doing or even being in spaces you shouldn’t be in.
Having a vision, helps you create a plan that then breaks down the vision to manageable actions; daily even minute by minute actions. When you break down the vision into something manageable or measurable, you won’t live in a fantasy world. You will be busy with what you need to do today, because you know that if you don’t do it, then your vision won’t be achieved. When you get your vision, break it down into manageable actions; daily actions that then will add up to achieve that vision.
Breaking down the vision will help you enjoy the everyday moments, because you are working on something that will eventually bring the vision to pass. At the same time, it will help you remember the vision as opposed to just fantasizing about the vision while doing nothing to achieve it.
Having a vision and creating a plan, then working towards it gives you focus. And focus eliminates distractions. Some of the distractions being comparison. Work on yourself and don’t compare your journey to another person’s. We are all different, and the needs for our individual journey’s if we are honest differ in many ways. So don’t compare.
yes,be yourself