60-30-10 Rule

What is The 60:30:10 Rule in Interior Decor?

What is The 60:30:10 Rule in Interior Decor?

The 60-30-10 rule is a widely used principle in interior design that provides a simple and effective guideline for creating a balanced and harmonious color scheme within a space. This rule helps to distribute colors in a way that is visually appealing and ensures a cohesive and well-designed look. Here’s a breakdown of the 60-30-10 rule and how it can be applied in interior decor:

     I.        60% Dominant Color:

·      The majority of the room’s color scheme, approximately 60%, should be dominated by a primary color. This is often applied to the walls, large furniture pieces, or other significant elements in the space.

·      The dominant color sets the overall tone and serves as a backdrop for the rest of the decor. It’s typically a neutral or subdued color that provides a sense of continuity throughout the room.

  II.        30% Secondary Color:

·      The secondary color represents about 30% of the color scheme and is used for a secondary layer of visual interest. This can be applied to furniture, textiles, or accent pieces.

·      This color should complement the dominant color while introducing variety and contrast. It adds depth and visual appeal to the overall design without overwhelming the space.

 III.        10% Accent Color:

·      The remaining 10% is allocated to the accent color, which is used for smaller details and accessories. These can include throw pillows, artwork, vases, or other decorative items.

·      The accent color is often bolder and more vibrant, creating focal points and adding personality to the space. It should be used sparingly to prevent it from dominating the overall color scheme.

Application Tips:

·      Color Harmony: Choose colors that harmonize well together. This can be achieved through the use of color wheel relationships, such as complementary, analogous, or triadic color schemes.

·      Texture and PatternConsider incorporating various textures and patterns within the 60-30-10 framework to add visual interest. This helps prevent the color scheme from appearing flat or monotonous.

·      Flexibility: While the 60-30-10 rule provides a helpful guideline, it’s not a strict formula. Adjustments can be made based on personal preferences and the specific needs of the space.

·      Natural Light: Take into account the amount of natural light in the room, as it can influence how colors appear. Consider testing paint samples and fabric swatches in different lighting conditions.

By following the 60-30-10 rule, you can achieve a well-balanced and visually pleasing color scheme that enhances the overall aesthetic of your interior decor.



This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Shukrani Maina

    Thank you for the interior design tips

  2. Carson Anekeya

    Overall, the 60-30-10 rule serves as a valuable tool for achieving balanced and aesthetically pleasing interiors, allowing designers to create cohesive color schemes that enhance the overall ambiance of a room.

  3. Cate Njeri

    Thank you for the tips. I sure will apply them soon.

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