


1. Molar pregnancy 

Molar pregnancies occur due to abnormalities during fertilization, leading to the development of abnormal tissue instead of a normal embryo. The two main types are complete and partial moles. Complete moles result from fertilization of an empty egg by either one or two sperm, while partial moles involve fertilization of a normal egg by two sperm. These abnormalities disrupt normal embryonic development, leading to molar pregnancies. Exact causes remain unclear, but age, previous molar pregnancies, and certain genetic factors may contribute. Regular prenatal care helps detect and manage molar pregnancies.

2. Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy occurs due to implantion of the fertilizerized egg occurs outside the uterus. This can happen in the fallopian tube due to some reasons inflammation of the tube or misshapes of the tube. This pregnancy can’t grow to maturity it mostly gets to 16 weeks maximum. If not noted early before 16 weeks it can burst causing severe bleeding that can lead to death.

3. Blighted ovum 

Blighted ovum occurs when gestational sac develops without an embryo. They embryo may never develop or stop development at some early stage due to deformity in the chromosomes. This happens in very early stages of pregnancy so some women just pass it like their normal monthly flow without even noticing any change in their body .

Those are some of pregnancy abnormalities that happens to some women. This doesn’t mean one can’t be treated and get a baby. Most women that has had such cases has later on successfully conceived again and gave birth to normal babies. Hugs to all strong women out there who has undergone or going through this. May God heal and bless you with bundles of joy. Mother are strongest people I know. May God bless all waiting wombs and safe delivery to the expectant mothers.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Carson Anekeya

    Your overview of pregnancy abnormalities provides valuable insights into conditions that can affect women during gestation, shedding light on the complexities of reproductive health.

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