why does carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fluctuate within the natural carbon cycle

why does carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fluctuate within the natural carbon cycle

First of all,plants give us oxygen while we give them carbon dioxide through breathing process. So the concentration of carbon dioxide fluctuate mostly due to concentration of trees in an area. When the trees are many in an area that brings less concentration of CO2 at that point as the trees will absorb it from the atmosphere while small number of trees leads to higher concentrations of carbon dioxide.Also presence of industry in the area leads to much CO2 concentration. This is brought by emitting the large amount of smoke which causes a lot of heat and gas concentration in the air.The emission of gases from vehicles brings about CO2 mostly than anything else as they produce a lot of fossils. The petroleum products are much contained of carbon dioxide hence they tend to fluctuate the level of carbon cycle in the atmosphereThe fluctuation in the atmosphere of carbon cycle come in when people do things without knowing how it’s going to make things. The important thing in carbon cycle is about concentration of trees,so I earge people to apply trees so that they can make atmosphere so stable and come up with much ideas about environment

Ashuma Kelvin

I am a medical professional who writes now as a freelance and doing a lot of research about disease and how to curb them by either nutrition or/ and treatment. I like my work a lot hope you enjoy what I write to you here

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kelvin Ashuma

    Great stuff and explanation which is a good thing

  2. Shukrani Maina

    Something new to be learnt everyday

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