J for Joy: Chirywrites

J for Joy: Chirywrites

I have a girlfriend who is a beautiful human being.She walked into my life when I didn’t know there was gap in it.There is a lot I could say about her but then it still wouldn’t begin to cover who she is.She is loyal she is protective, compassionate.I want to say over trusting but she might go therapist on me,so let’s stick with she see the good in people .

My love language is writing,so when I feel things I write.Today I write about joy,the adjective.I also write about Joy the person.How proud I am of,the far she has come,how honored I am that she is my friend.

They say life is what happens when you are making plans.This girl has been through so much ,yet her smile will not tell you any of it.

I don’t want to wait for the wrong time to say this.So today seemed like a good day as any to put this out there.

I love you,I adore our friendship and I am grateful that you are in my life.There are days that I don’t know what tomorrow will bring .However I have learnt that when we share our struggles we always find a way out. You will think about a way out and I will say it out loud.It comes out exactly how you are feeling.When I can’t say it ,you do and it comes out exactly how I am feeling.

Life is for the living ,so while we are happy, right here right now .This is my way of saying thank you for being my girl,for being my sister.My go to woman,look at that you being so grown up you are an auntie of many. I bless you that this year you become auntie wa Harrier.

We about to conquer the world together.It doesn’t mean am going to stop being hard on you though but I know you won’t go easy on me so it’s fair.

I love you J,you are worthy of my love.


    This Post Has One Comment

    1. Carson Anekeya

      By expressing your love and gratitude for Joy openly and sincerely, you affirm the value of your friendship and the importance of sharing life’s joys and challenges together. Your willingness to support and uplift each other is a testament to the depth of your bond and the strength of your connection. Great read

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