Health & Wellness

How to Build an effective Skincare Routine

How to Build an effective Skincare Routine

Building a skincare routine is a common challenge for every woman. Good skin doesn’t depend entirely on genetics. Rather it is the outcome of how you treat and maintain your skin with a nutritious diet and exercise regime. As a matter of fact, you need to build an effective skincare routine for good and healthy skin. While it may seem a high-maintenance task, developing a regular skincare habit is an easy to implement and cost-effective activity.

For healthy skin, it is not enough to have a good range of skincare products.  What you need is to understand the correct know-how and sequence of using these products. It is common not to see expected and desired results despite having a skincare routine.

Ever wondered, why this happens?

This is simply due to the common skin care mistakes, that we do not realize.

No worries, this blog will talk about a healthy skincare routine and a list of must-avoidable skincare mistakes.

Dr. Janet Allenby, the founder of Allenby Cosmetic Dermatology in Delray Beach, Florida, says  “the best skin care is the key to keep skin healthy and young”.

The definition of beauty has evolved over the period. It is no more restricted to physical appearance. According to a Euromonitor International survey 2021, more than 50% of consumers believe that a “healthy appearance” defines real beauty. Moreover, a large number of respondents (~45-50%), also equate beauty with being hygienic, clean, and comfortable in your own skin.

Common Skincare Mistakes You Should Avoid

Is your skincare routine not giving the results as expected? Or why do some products work wonders for your friends but not you? First, you must know that skincare is an ongoing process and it takes time to see the desired results. Also, you need to monitor the mistakes or wrongdoings in your everyday routine.  Here are some tips to help you:

  • You must know your skin type. Many people buy and consume products without considering their skin type such as; dry, normal, and oily. Using the wrong products will only make your skin worse.
  • Exfoliation is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells, but excess of everything is bad. Excessive exfoliation can damage your skin cells and dehydrate your skin.
  • You can buy all the expensive products and get professional treatment. However, if you are not protecting your skin by investing in SPF, then it’s money down the drain.
  • Using different skin care acids without considering the right combinations can harm the skin. For example, hydroxy acids and retinoic acid or Vitamin C can cause serious irritation if used in tandem.
  • Patience and consistency are vital to achieving desired results. Science has come a long way for skin care products, but there is no quick fix. There are no fast-acting products or advanced treatments that will bring instant magic to your skin.

How to Build a Skincare Routine- Step by Step

Skincare routine

Skincare routine step by step

The best thing you can do to improve your skin care is to apply the products in correct order. Here are the steps for a healthy skincare routine:

Step 1: Cleansing

  • Every morning and before going to bed, clean your face with a small amount of good cleanser, according to your skin type. Good and quality cleansers are essential.
  • Massage the face using light pressure. Gently pat your face with a soft towel. Your towel must be clean.
  • Find out which cleanser is suitable for your skin. If your skin is dry, use the one without alcohol or fragrance. If your skin is oily, you need to invest in an oil-free cleanser.

Step 2: Toner

Toner is one of the skin care products applied after cleansing the face. It helps tighten pores, remove impurities and even tones and rebalance your skin.

Dry skin benefits from humectants, such as hyaluronic acid, which binds your skin to moisture.

On the other hand, according to dermatologist Headley King, MD, “not all toners are created uniformly, so if you have naturally oily or acne-prone skin, it is important to use salicylic acid or something else”.

Step 3: Serum

Many of us believe that serums and moisturizers work the same way, which is not the case. Facial serum cannot replace moisturizers, and moisturizers do not give your skin the extra vitamins and nutrients it needs to look young and healthy.

Facial serums are lightweight products that are highly nutritious. There are many different types of serum, each with a unique purpose and ingredients. Some serums help brighten your skin or reduce blemishes, while others focus on increasing hydration or fighting the signs of aging.

According to Dr. Tsipura Shane House, FAAD, Certified Dermatologist at Skin Safe Dermatology and Skin Care, “Serum is a thin viscosity topical product with a concentrated amount of active ingredients.”

  • Apply serums after 10 minutes of toning your skin.
  • Always go for the thin to thicker consistency products in sequence. For example, if you desire to use vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and moisturizing cream for your usual skincare routine at night. Then begin with vitamin C serum, followed by hyaluronic acid, and moisturizing cream.

Note: You must see a dermatologist for the suitable acids for your skin type and issues if any.

Step 4: Moisturizing

Moisturizers are key elements in skin care routines. Like cleansers, moisturizers are for everyone and should always be used after washing the face.

Moisturizers prevent your skin from drying out and keep your skin hydrated and smooth, and these are most effective when you have to seal the moisture in the skin.

Again, you must select the right moisturizer for your skin. For example, you need to choose a lightweight, oil-free, or gel for oily skin.

Step 5: Sun protection

This is the final step of your skincare regime. Almost every dermatologist will tell you that sun protection is crucial to any skincare routine. High-quality sunscreens play an essential role in maintaining good skin health. It protects from both UVA and UVB rays that lead to premature aging, age spots, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, sunburn, and skin cancer.

It doesn’t matter how good your skincare routine is if you don’t finish it with a good sunscreen. You will not benefit from the rest of the product by cutting the sun protection part of the skincare routine.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association says, ” Using sunscreen can help protect you from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and help prevent skin cancer. It is estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.”

Final thoughts

Pamper your skin with a good skincare routine. Don’t be frustrated if it takes a little longer; work patiently. Good things take time. Furthermore, remember not to wait for your skin to deteriorate to begin your skincare routine. Good skin care is essential at every age, and investing in quality products will go a long way with you.

Not to mention, keep a watch on other primary fuels, such as your water intake and diet, including fruits and other essential nutrients. An unhealthy lifestyle, irregular sleeping pattern, poor diet, dehydration, and lack of exercise  can impact your skin. Lastly, you must seek a dermatologist if your skin is going through any unusual issue.

Nakhla Sheilali

I am a self-driven individual who's main aim is to make life easier for women.

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