
Best business to start in Kenya with a capital of 100,000

Best business to start in Kenya with a capital of 100,000

If you’re looking to start a business in Kenya with a capital of KES 100,000, there are many options available. Here are some of the most profitable businesses you can start with that amount:

  1. Wines and Spirits: This business can be quite lucrative since alcoholic drinks are bought at cheap wholesale prices. Many people like drinking for fun and to relieve their stress, making this business more profitable. 1
  2. Fashion House: If you have a good taste in fashion, KES 100,000 can turn your dreams into reality. Buy essential household products with unique designs and sell them to people. 1
  3. Bookshop Business: Students are all over the country. Supplying books in plenty leads to quality education to students making this a good business to start with KES 100,000 in Kenya. 1
  4. Sacco Investment: Join any Sacco that leads to high profits and invest in it. Sacco’s allows people to borrow loans for up to six times. Money borrowed can be used to boost other businesses. 1
  5. Pallet Furniture: Making the wooden structures used for support when transporting goods and containers (pallets) is among the businesses you can start with in Kenya. Many restaurants and offices use this pallet as their theme. 1
  6. Travel Agency: Travelling is a hobby for many people during their leisure time. Budget goes to market research to identify the right branding and online marketing. 1
  7. Advertising Agency: Your agency can mainly deal with small scale businesses and help in advertising their products over other enterprises’ products. Minimum competition makes it a good business to start with KES 100,000 in Kenya. 1
  8. Niche and Trendy Products: Minimum competition is faced by people selling niche products on online marketing. These business requires minimum capital of KES 100,000 to purchase items like VR headsets, waist trainers, drones, among many more. 1
  9. Bonsai Trees: These trees have features of a fully grown tree. Due to their unique nature, it makes them to be in demand and thus a very profitable niche business. 1
  10. Events Planning Company: Specializing in the type of events to plan makes it cheaper thus a good business to start in Kenya. Also, one can go for all events if they are willing and ready to incur the cost. 1

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Joy Ngeny

    where can we get the capital first

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