

Today I am feeling cold, like an abnormal kind of cold. I woke up this way, and there is not a thing I haven’t tried in the last few hours. I dressed in everything warm, and as I walked this morning, I could see people staring. It wasn’t cold as such, but I am cold. So I got to work and added some loose African clothing. Because I am a village girl, I always have one on me. It was still cold, so I had tea and a few bites, hoping it would get better. It didn’t, and I thought maybe I could take more tea or at least eat food to see if it would help. But then the sun came out, shining at its brightest, so I went out to bask. It’s been an hour. I’m still in the sun, and everyone passing by keeps throwing a glance at me. They seem to be asking if I am not getting burned by the scorching sun. In my mind, I am yelling, but I am still cold. So I have run out of options,so I am still in the sun. Before I turn into a burnt offering, can someone please give me a remedy? This kid just asked the mom why I have been sitting here for a long time. And I am still cold.

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