
Udemy Review | Best Online Learning Platform

Udemy Review | Best Online Learning Platform


Learning is a key aspect of our everyday lives and it has existed for as long as mankind has been on earth. Various methods of learning have been used in the past but in recent years there is one that has been booming and making people millions of dollars. Of course, I am talking about online learning.

With this particular method, you can access hundreds of thousands of high-quality pre-recorded videos from top instructors around the globe. With a variety of online learning platforms, which one is right for you? Well, Udemy is the go-to place for the most on-demand skills across various industries. In this article, we are going to discuss its content distribution, its pricing, Udemy for business and I will finally give you my final thoughts.

What courses does Udemy offer?

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Udemy offers a wide variety of courses from various fields. These include Software development, business, Finance and accounting, IT and software, office productivity, personal development, Graphic design, marketing, lifestyle, photography, health and fitness, music and a fairly broad academic courses. You can choose from any of these topics depending on your interests or skills that you need to develop.

Once you identify the area that you want to focus on there are over 180,000+ courses each with different instructors. As a side tip; always choose courses with higher ratings because not all may be beneficial to you. With Udemy, you also get course previews so that you know what to expect once you enroll. After purchasing the course, you will get an email from the instructor welcoming you to the course and also some downloadable files. These files are made by the instructor and they contain the course structure together with resources which will enable the student to follow along as the instructor covers various topics.

Pricing and certification

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Udemy sells individual courses and does not have a subscription plan. The instructor is at liberty of setting the price for his/ her course. Although prices are set and non-negotiable, Udemy more often than not offers discounts to a variety of their courses. Some can even go as low as $6.99. Click the here to get discounted prices on a wide array of courses.

udemy certificate

After you are done with a course, you get a certificate of completion. With this certificate, you can add it to your CV. Although Udemy is not an accredited learning institution, some companies can consider you. It also serves as a milestone of how far you’ve come especially if you are always doing online courses. Its worth it if you ask me.

Udemy for business.

udemy for business

Udemy for business is a special area in Udemy designated for businesses and large corporations. Instead of buying courses for one individual, the company pools together a group of their employees who need to learn a certain skill. Udemy for business is divided into 3 plans depending on the size of your organization: Teams, Enterprise and Leadership development program.

The Teams plan is for organizations with 5 to 20 people. It costs $360 per user per year. With this plan, you get access to over 7,300 courses from Udemy, mobile app access, Analytics and adoption reports. It may seem like a lot but it is worth every penny. As a business owner, it encourages team work among your employees as they gain more skills which may be beneficial to your organization.

The Enterprise plan is for organizations with 21 employees or more. There is no specific price as some organizations have hundreds of employees while others have less. If you are interested with the enterprise plan, you have to fill a form in order to get a quote from the Udemy sales team. Click here if you are interested in Udemy for business.

udemy for business pricing

The Enterprise plan comes with access to over 16,000 courses, you can create user groups, it has a wide array of international collection, access to the mobile app, you can create and host proprietary courses, access to custom logo and URL and an access to Udemy Business Pro Add-on

For the leadership development programs, you get access to 100+ executive level courses from top universities, AI powered analytics, Live and synchronous events, mobile enabled platform, access to custom logo and URL, multi-modal learning and facilitation to guide and coach participants, As for its pricing, you have to contact Udemy sales team to get a quote.

Udemy for business is trusted by 11,600+ businesses across the world and there is no reason why yours should not. You can consider it as an investment in your employees. It enables your employees get additional skills while also investing in their growth and development. It can also enable good team work among people which is also essential for their well-being in the organization.

Final thoughts.

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In my opinion Udemy is the best online learning platform. It boasts over 180,000 courses with more than 48 million students enrolled. In addition to this it is trusted by big companies such as The Walt Disney Corporation, Apple, UNICEF, PayPal, Tata Inc., Samsung, Unilever, Instacart, and many others. Click here to enroll today and start your online learning journey.

If you are interested in graphic design, web design or anything Adobe related, Dan Scott is by far the best instructor on Udemy. He is a certified Adobe instructor in Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator and so many other software in the Adobe suite. I have greatly benefitted from his courses on Adobe photoshop and Web design. You can click the button below to check him out on Udemy.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Caroline Njeri

    Thanks for this information and for the links.

  2. Lyda Dorcas

    Wow 😲 I might as well enroll for this

  3. Carson Anekeya

    Really informative platform, totally agree with this. Thanks for sharing.

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