Your Favorite TV Show Quiz – Breaking Bad Edition

Your Favorite TV Show Quiz – Breaking Bad Edition

Your Favorite TV Show Quiz – Breaking Bad Edition

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1. What is the name of the private investigator that Gus hires to track down Jesse?

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2. What is the name of the man who is in charge of the prison gang that Jesse gets involved with?

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3. What is the name of the pharmaceutical company that Walter used to work for?

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4. What is the name of the meth cooking process Walter White invents?

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5. What is the name of the cancer that Walter White is diagnosed with?

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6. What is the name of the drug dealer who uses a tortoise to smuggle drugs?

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7. What is the name of Walter's brother-in-law who is a DEA agent?

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8. What is the name of the drug kingpin that Walter and Jesse work for?

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9. What is the name of the company that Gus Fring uses to smuggle drugs across the border?

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10. What is the name of the drug cartel leader who comes after Gus Fring?

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11. What is the name of the law firm that Saul Goodman works for?

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12. What is the name of the hitman that Mike Ehrmantraut uses?

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13. What is the main character's name in Breaking Bad?

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14. What is the name of Walter's wife?

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15. What is Walter White's profession before he starts making meth?

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16. What is the name of Jesse's girlfriend who dies of an overdose?

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17. What is the name of the boy that Jesse tries to help but ultimately gets killed?

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1jmkariukik07gmailcom100 %1 minutes 55 seconds
2Francis Muiru47 %6 minutes 21 seconds

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