Your Favorite TV Show Quiz – Breaking Bad Edition Post author:Panache HQ Post last modified:June 1, 2024 Post category:Quiz Me / TV Show Quiz Post comments:0 Comments Reading time:1 mins read Views: 375 Your Favorite TV Show Quiz – Breaking Bad Edition 1 / 17 1. What is the name of the private investigator that Gus hires to track down Jesse? a. Huell Babineaux b. Todd Alquist c. Mike Ehrmantraut d. Patrick Kuby 2 / 17 2. What is the name of the man who is in charge of the prison gang that Jesse gets involved with? a. Jack Welker b. Declan c. Tyrus Kitt d. Kenny 3 / 17 3. What is the name of the pharmaceutical company that Walter used to work for? a. White Chemicals b. Grey Matter Technologies c. Walter Co. d. Blue Sky Laboratories 4 / 17 4. What is the name of the meth cooking process Walter White invents? a. Blue-Meth Synthesis b. Green Thunder c. Yellow Ice d. Pink Smoke 5 / 17 5. What is the name of the cancer that Walter White is diagnosed with? a. Prostate cancer b. Brain cancer c. Lung cancer d. Pancreatic cancer 6 / 17 6. What is the name of the drug dealer who uses a tortoise to smuggle drugs? a. Ignacio Varga b. Tuco Salamanca c. The Cousins d. Hector Salamanca 7 / 17 7. What is the name of Walter's brother-in-law who is a DEA agent? a. Saul Goodman b. Mike Ehrmantraut c. Todd Alquist d. Hank Schrader 8 / 17 8. What is the name of the drug kingpin that Walter and Jesse work for? a. Lydia Rodarte-Quayle b. Jack Welker c. Gus Fring d. Tuco Salamanca 9 / 17 9. What is the name of the company that Gus Fring uses to smuggle drugs across the border? a. Grey Matter Technologies b. Los Pollos Hermanos c. Madrigal Electromotive d. Vamonos Pest 10 / 17 10. What is the name of the drug cartel leader who comes after Gus Fring? a. Juan Bolsa b. Tio Salamanca c. Hector Salamanca d. Don Eladio Vuente 11 / 17 11. What is the name of the law firm that Saul Goodman works for? a. Mesa Verde b. Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill c. Goodman & Associates d. Better Call Saul 12 / 17 12. What is the name of the hitman that Mike Ehrmantraut uses? a. Victor b. Gus Fring c. Todd Alquist d. Walter White 13 / 17 13. What is the main character's name in Breaking Bad? a. Jesse Pinkman b. Hank Schrader c. Saul Goodman d. Walter White 14 / 17 14. What is the name of Walter's wife? a. Marie Schrader b. Andrea Cantillo c. Jane Margolis d. Skyler White 15 / 17 15. What is Walter White's profession before he starts making meth? a. High school Teacher b. Lawyer c. Doctor d. Car Salesman 16 / 17 16. What is the name of Jesse's girlfriend who dies of an overdose? a. Gretchen Schwartz b. Andrea Cantillo c. Jane Margolis d. Lydia Rodarte-Quayle 17 / 17 17. What is the name of the boy that Jesse tries to help but ultimately gets killed? a. Tomas Cantillo b. Brock Cantillo c. Drew Sharp d. Kaylee Ehrmantraut Your score is Pos.NameScoreDuration 1jmkariukik07gmailcom100 %1 minutes 55 seconds2Francis Muiru47 %6 minutes 21 seconds You Might Also Like Flags of the world Quiz! – North America Edition May 21, 2024 General Knowledge Quiz! – Master Edition May 20, 2024 Can you identify these celebrities – Marvel Edition March 2, 2023 Porsche Quiz | Are you a True Porsche fan? April 23, 2024 General Knowledge Quiz! – Advanced Edition May 20, 2024 General Knowledge Quiz! – Intermediate Edition May 20, 2024 Can you identify these celebrities – Football Edition March 3, 2023 Can you identify these celebrities – Music Edition March 3, 2023 Flags of the world Quiz! – Africa Edition May 21, 2024 Flags of the world Quiz! – Asia Edition May 21, 2024 History of the World Quiz! Beginner Mode May 20, 2024 Can you identify these celebrities – Nickelodeon Edition March 13, 2023 Tech Trivia – Can you Guess these Famous Tech Company Logos February 25, 2023 Introvert or Extrovert – what’s your true personality? February 13, 2024 Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.