
As You Grow Older

As You Grow Older

Here are some of the realizations that comes with aging.

You realize that you cannot continue leaving your health to chance.

One thing about being young is that your body heals faster. If you have a serious flu in your twenties, you can still go about your business as your body battles the cold. However, once you reach your thirties, especially if you are female, your body requires you to actively participate in the healing process. This means that you need extra fluids, extra rest, and strong foods. You have to nurse yourself like a newborn. Otherwise, a simple wound infection or a nasty flu will have you bedridden for days. I am a 31-year-old and I came to this conclusion just a week ago. I had a mild infection that ended in a sore lump in my armpit. I resulted to googling and I did not like what I read. As an optimist, I decided to trust my immune system to fight the infection without the aid of medication. One morning am walking to buy milk and my legs refuse to cooperate and my body aches. I called my mom who gave me an earful for failing to practice self-care. I had to get treated for my body to become normal again.

You realize that you have to take your diet seriously.

When you are in your twenties you can survive on junk food- a plate of chips and a can of soda. However, as you age you need more real food if you are to remain productive. Processed foods and sugary drinks leave you feeling like you have been run over by train. To avoid this, you start gearing towards boiled foods. Bone soup becomes your go-to drink especially in the cold evenings. You hear of uji power and your eyes light up as you calculate how much joules of energy such foods guarantee. You become an expert in nutrition as you start keeping track of your bodily needs. Your knees start feeling weak and you remember you have not eaten liver for a month. You feel constipated and you shop for all types of green vegetables. You consult other ‘old’ people for all kind of food remedies and you come to relish such informative conversations.

You realize alcohol has no nutritional value

Alcohol holds so much appeal to young people. Savouring the latest and the famous alcohol types is a source of pride for the young adults. Those alcohol adverts on TV and billboards take you to dream land. Being a teetotaller seems uncool and elderly. However, in your thirties you start hating the hangovers. You start looking forward to sleeping into your cozy bed at the end of the day. You start avoiding those friends who are always planning to hit the club every weekend. The little money you can spare every week starts going to chamas and building for your future. You become a visionary and alcohol loses its hold on you. You can enjoy an occasional glass of wine but you are careful not to weaken your already bad knees.

You downsize your goals to make them more realistic

As a young adult, you dream big. You want everything bigger and better. You want to live in the most upscale neighbourhood. However, as you age you are good to go, as long as the neighbourhood is clean and insecurity is minimal. You are comfortable with medium pay as long as it leaves you ample time for family and your side hustles. When you were young you want to impress your parents with expensive stuff. However, as years pass, you are okay just buying them flour and their hypertension medication. You become comfortable to also request for help from them. You understand them better now that you have climbed off your high horse and accepted life for what it is. You become humbled and satisfied with small progresses in life.





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