A Protest on Poor Roads

A Protest on Poor Roads

A road should not be entirely tarmacked. There comes a thrill when travelling in a lorry carrying maize on a bumpy and rock strewn road. A proper country road should have sharp, sudden bumps and all corners must be at least 90°. A driver should be able to manoeuvre water-filled potholes whilst ensuring that the passenger’s bones are rattling. A passenger should nod their heads unwillingly, sway from side to side, bump against the window and bite their tongues as they swerve on the jugged terrain. If a passenger doesn’t feel dizzy, the driver is not trying hard enough. 

A perfect country road is either too dusty or too muddy. During hot seasons, each passenger should find themselves wondering whether to open the windows or slam them shut and endure the choking dust. If a country bus does not have holes on its floor, it should be serviced ASAP. 

When drinking water, one should spill on themselves. If a passenger does not bite their lower lip while trying to nibble on a snack, then the road is not rough enough. 

All this time, the driver should be very quite. 

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