Achievers are great planners. Success is not a one-day event; it is a work in progress that requires hard work, determination, focus, sacrifice, and time, among other things. It is a new year, and there are resolutions we all want to work on. But does that mean everything has to be new? No, unless all you want is to always start afresh instead of making progress.
While starting a new year it is a time for reflection, look into what the previous year was like, what your goals were both long-term and short-term, what did you achieve and what is pending, are you looking into working on the pending, what role did they play in your life and the purpose, time, distraction and challenges you did encounter and how you dealt with them. Being in a position to evaluate progress is a step toward making it to the top.
Setting up new goals is okay while working on the already set goals, master the power of prioritization according to urgency, importance, resources, and worth. Categorize those goals so you don’t get tangled in them, personal goals shouldn’t stand in the way of career goals and vice versa. Also, be in control so you don’t become a slave to your goals and end up losing yourself while trying to achieve them. Goals and dreams should add value to your life. Career goals should enable personal goals and not try to limit or do away with them.
Be intentional. Being intentional about everything you do will save you a lot of time and resources. Your intentions don’t have to make sense from the start, but they play a vital role. Amidst challenges and distractions, your intentions will always carry the day and give you a glimpse of hope to keep going. You don’t have to start great, but make sure you finish smart.
Attach purpose to everything you do. How will it benefit me and the people around me? Purpose helps one rule out imposters of goals because, at times, we give importance to irrelevant things. Purpose should always add value to humanity as we try to make the world a better place for everyone.
After analyzing everything draw an achievement plan to work with. Put all the efforts to bring everything to realization. Push yourself every day, and be grateful and content with what you achieve daily for with gratitude and accumulation of efforts everything is achievable.
Be accountable and responsible for everything you intend to do, it gives room for more realistic success. This year will be great if we solve things from the roots because we are more aware of what we are doing having learnt from our mistakes and society. Start, fail, and repeat till you achieve, the hunger for success can only be satisfied by success, and success is enabled by continuous efforts, be unstoppable.
Dear humans the goal is one to make the world a better place and we will go to every depth to see to it that it happens because the possibility of a better tomorrow is solely dependent on our determination to achieve what should be achieved. Challenges will be there in airing our voices, fostering the fights, and getting the resources but by the end of the day the impact it leaves prevails and we can navigate through everything.If you want it so badly go for it, you don’t have to always play by the rules for nothing good comes easy, just don’t hurt humanity while at it.