
Chirywrites JUNE 19 2023

Chirywrites JUNE 19 2023

There’s a time I believed in romance. I remember once in high school I got in trouble for writing a poem. I met this fine gentleman at a science congress, and because I was young,I didn’t say anything. We took a picture, though,which is like the best it could get back in the day. When I got to school, I wrote my feelings down, and before I could destroy them,my teacher found me. She asked me to hand it over. Knowing my school, I knew it wouldn’t end with good news. So I chewed it up—a wild reaction, I might add. Today isn’t about that; today is about the beginning of a new chapter. A reminder of why I write.
A year ago, I became single after several years of being in a relationship. I finally took the remaining strength I had and walked. I started the journey of rediscovering myself. I took time to heal, reflect,reflect and forgive myself for staying longer than I should have. Then, when I was ready, I looked up at the sky, and from where my help came came a miracle.
Today I woke up to the most beautiful message on the planet. I love writing so much that sometimes I just write for the fun of it. Most days I write and then delete, because when I am done writing, my soul is lighter. Fourteen words, each one meaning something so great that I can’t define it; heck, I couldn’t even respond. People say love texts make them smile. Maybe I’m not normal, but honesty makes me smile. Honesty from the bottom of one’s soul is the best gift you can get. Why does this message mean a lot to me? Well, because something is precious. You never know how much a smile means until you give someone one, and then you know what it takes. When it came back to me, I was grateful and honored because I knew how much it took to say that. How honest it was to get to fourteen words, and that’s why it made me smile. Because I know what it took to say it. I am in awe of how much I have grown and how much I appreciate this journey. Just like my seventeen-year-old self, who wrote that poem, I believe again. The little girl in me smiles again.
. I stan the honor.

    This Post Has One Comment

    1. Shukrani Maina

      Your love for writing is inspiring

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