

Many months ago, my prayer list was full of so many things. I prayed for rest, peace, and love, and at some point I even prayed that the future would be better. Yesterday, as I was going to pray, I realized that I had no list. All I wanted to say was thank you. They say that good things come to those who believe. Well,  as a testimony to that, I have experienced good things. I wake up with no fear of what the day might bring. I go to bed grateful for what I have. On the days that it has been hard for me, I realize that I am not alone because I get through it. Each day comes with its challenges, but I have risen above them because the grace has been sufficient. This is my testimony: no matter how dark it seems,have faith that it will get better. And when it does, remember to give thanks.

    This Post Has One Comment

    1. Kezziah Ruheni

      Sure most of the times we forget to give thanks and be grateful for what we have. For some of the things that we have we didn’t even pray for them. Papa your daughter is grateful

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